Muscular aches & pains
Muscle aches and pains can affect one muscle, but more often than not these affect multiple muscles as everything in the body is connected and needs to function harmoniously. Issues all to often seen here at ONE HEALTH.
Muscle pain can also involve ligaments, tendons or fascia. These are the soft tissues that connect and envelop all the muscles, joints, bones and organs. It is most frequently related to tension, overuse, or acute/chronic muscle injury from exercise or physically demanding work. In these situations, the pain tends to involve specific muscles and starts during or just after the activity. It is usually obvious which activity is causing the pain.
Firstly, we would need to make sure that your cause of muscle pain in not due to an underlying condition. When you visit ONE HEALTH, we will conduct a thorough case history and appropriate neurological and musculo-skeletal exammination. If we feel that your symptoms require further investigation via a medical professional we will refer you to the appropriate place.
The causes of muscle pain is numerous and wide ranging. Below are just a few of the most common causes we see at ONE HEALTH:
Injury or trauma including sprains and strains
Using a muscle too much, too soon, too often (poor warm up or cool down)
Tension or stress
Myofascial Trigger points (MTrPs) are a common type of non-articular pain.
Myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) are defined as hyperirritable nodules located within a taut band of skeletal muscle. They are the hallmark characteristics of Myofascial Pain Syndrome.
Myofascial Pain has been associated with numerous conditions including.
Joint dysfunction
Disc pathology
Craniomandibular dysfunction
Tension type headaches
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Computer-related disorders
Whiplash-associated disorders
Spinal dysfunction
Pelvic pain
MTrPs give rise to the following:
Pain - referred and local
Restricted Motion
Autonomic phenomena (Dizziness, vertigo, sweating)
If chronic, a reduction in pain threshold (Inflammation sensibilises nociceptors)
Local Ischemia (Decrease in blood supply causing increased hypertonicity)
MTrPs pain description
Patients often describe the pain as deep, dull, aching, and diffuse or as a feeling of fatigue in the affected muscles.
Pain often varies in intensity
Patients will frequently give a history of a repetitive activity or injury that may implicate a muscular overuse or trauma.
Types of treatment that can help
Osteopathy, Physiotherapy & Remedial Massage can help with all types of muscle pain in their own way. To find out how they can help you can contact us at ONE HEALTH at any time to discuss how they can help.
Prevention is the key to staying fit and healthy. Even by following the list below, occasionally you will have set backs. This is normal and happens to everyone at some point. If it happens, dont worry call ONE HEALTH
Warm up before exercising and cool down afterward.
Stretch before and after exercising.
Drink lots of fluids before, during, and after exercise.
If you work in the same position most of the day (like sitting at a computer), stretch at least every hour.
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