Good posture helps support our bodies; it keeps muscles and joints healthy and does not add unnecessary loads which leads to less back and neck pain.
Once your posture becomes poor it can add strain onto your muscles in your back and neck, over time this can lead to a shortening of certain muscle groups, causing tight and painful muscles, a restricting in circulation, increased strain on the joints in the spine and can lead to headaches, fatigue and possibly nerve pain.
Seeing lots of patients at ONE HEALTH, we have noticed postural issues can be a contributing factor in musculo-skeletal dysfunction.
Below are a few tips that we feel can benefit posture and injuries relating to postural imbalances
Don't over correct yourself
When at rest - sit supported in your lumbar and cervical spine
If at a PC for an extended time period, take regular breaks and also consider using a sit/stand desk, changing between sitting and standing on a regular basis (every 30 minutes)
Don't try to over strengthen your core. Speak with our professionals to gain appropriate mobility, flexibility and stability advice.
seek advice from one of our professionals
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